I have often heard from teachers of out of control students that the student’s parent will say, “They never act like this at home!” There are a number of reasons why a child would behave differently at home than at school, but the most common is that parents give in to a child’s demands in order to avoid a tantrum.
It works! An out-of-control child is likely to calm down (for a little while, at least) if they are given what they want. The problem is that the school can’t do that. So, when the kindergartener is required to complete a task when they would rather play, they resort to the tactic that has worked for them for the past five years – scream, cry and have a tantrum.
What is sad about this is that the poor child has no idea what else to do! They have never experienced a situation where they didn’t get what they wanted. The other kids learned that valuable lesson long ago from parents who taught them how to deal with a world that doesn’t always give you what you want.
It works! An out-of-control child is likely to calm down (for a little while, at least) if they are given what they want. The problem is that the school can’t do that. So, when the kindergartener is required to complete a task when they would rather play, they resort to the tactic that has worked for them for the past five years – scream, cry and have a tantrum.
What is sad about this is that the poor child has no idea what else to do! They have never experienced a situation where they didn’t get what they wanted. The other kids learned that valuable lesson long ago from parents who taught them how to deal with a world that doesn’t always give you what you want.