Almost every “helicopter” parent will tell you that they are not a “helicopter” parent – and it’s very hard to convince them otherwise. They believe that attending to every detail of their child’s life makes them a good parent.
It is very important to understand a general rule of life here: GROWTH COMES THROUGH STRUGGLE. By contriving our children’s environment so they never have to face any problems, we are setting our children up for failure. We learn how to solve problems by solving problems, but if all our problems are solved for us, we are left with nothing to draw from.
When your child struggles with a problem: a friend who was mean, some difficult school work, a broken toy, etc. your job is to empower them to solve it themselves. By solving their problems for them, you are actually implying that they are not capable.
A good parent will look for ways to help increase their child’s self esteem by empowering them to solve their own problems.
It is very important to understand a general rule of life here: GROWTH COMES THROUGH STRUGGLE. By contriving our children’s environment so they never have to face any problems, we are setting our children up for failure. We learn how to solve problems by solving problems, but if all our problems are solved for us, we are left with nothing to draw from.
When your child struggles with a problem: a friend who was mean, some difficult school work, a broken toy, etc. your job is to empower them to solve it themselves. By solving their problems for them, you are actually implying that they are not capable.
A good parent will look for ways to help increase their child’s self esteem by empowering them to solve their own problems.