I think it’s perfectly fair to say that the reality of parenting does not even remotely live up to the expectations. We anticipate how wonderfully fulfilling having a child and becoming a family will be, but the sweet smell of freshly bathed baby skin and soft gentle sound of cooing is quickly replaced with unpleasant stench of vomit and poop and seemingly unending cries and shrieks that we can’t seem to fix.
Having a child is inconvenient to say the least. New parents are abruptly confronted with frustration, irritation, confusion, anger and then guilt at their perceived inability to have the perfect child. It is stressful, yes. In fact, research shows that it is among the most stressful years in a marriage.
Unfortunately, there is no magic remedy. Parenting is messy business and it demands that we do what most humans fear greatly…..that we put ourselves second. The requirement that we repress our own wants, needs, and desires to meet those of a completely irrational, demanding, and needy little bundle of joy is a daunting task for most of us.
What to do…..?
During those trying times, you need to understand that you are being afforded a great privilege. You have a front row, center seat to watching the unfolding of a human life. At one time, all of us played the role of the unappreciative, bawling, little package of demands. It’s how we humans work. It’s hard to believe, I know, but it is possible to find humor in a toddler screaming in unimaginable pain because there are no more Cheerios or that they can’t have that piece of dog poop they found in the back yard.
Watching your child grow up is an awesome, wonderful journey. During the trying times, remind yourself to relax and enjoy the ride.